Elder Foster and Elder Miller- Calling and Election


Moderator Elder Foster and Elder Miller- Calling and Election


Elder Miller and Elder Foster made their way to the temple. They had been told to meet with Bishop Angus inorder to receive a special ordinance.
Neither boy had heard of the second anointing before going through the process. Each one was individually anointed with consecrated oil and fucked on the altar of the temple. Afterwards they were told to shower and dress before the meeting with Bishop Angus to have their callings and elections made sure at the same time.
The boys had heard of others who had their callings and elections made sure, but didnt really know much about it, other than it was meant for those to receive the fullness of the priesthood.
Having been inducted into the highly sexual, secret Order, and been ordained to the higher priesthood, they were no strangers to being on the receiving end of the priesthood.
As they entered an ordination room, they saw the broad chested Bishop Angus sitting expectantly on a couch. He smiled and greeted the boys as they came in.
You know why youre here today?
The boys nodded, not because they were sure what the ceremony meant but more because they were trying not to reveal the their excitement.
Lets get you undressed, Angus continued. He stood up to meet the height of Elder Miller and Foster. The boys knew what was expected of them and focused their attention on Bishop Angus for direction.
Bishop Angus took off his tie and the boys followed suit. They proceeded to remove their clothing, all three stealing glances at each others bodies as they stripped down to their garments. Despite their disrobement, the room seemed to feel hotter and hotter.
Angus pulled the two boys close to him, one on either side of his broad chest and ran his hands up their backsides. His large paws grabbed at their buttocks as they moved across, feeling their softness and heat knead between his fingers.
He pulled Miller and Foster close with his strong arms and began to kiss each of them, holding them tightly. The boys kissed back, moving from his neck to his mouth and back as they each took turns locking lips with the bearded bishop.
Bishop Angus found his way face to face with Foster, looking deep into his eyes before aggressively grabbing and kissing him. Miller came from behind kissing Fosters back and neck.
As their passions grew, Foster got pinned between the hulking bodies of Angus and Miller, feeling their strength and muscles press against him. Their bulging cocks, too, poked into him from both sides.
Miller took off his shirt, showing off his smooth, tan, muscular body. Angus reached around to grab at Millers toned body while Foster continued to worship the beefy stepdaddy.
Pleased with the excitement of the boys, Angus bent them over the daybed, leaning them against the back so that their asses popped up into the air. He pulled down their underwear and began to aggressively play with their exposed holes. He felt a powerful sense of ownership over these two submissive missionarys. He knew he could do anything he wanted with them and that they were for his pleasure.
He brought his mouth to meet their holes, licking and sucking on them as the boys moaned in delight. As they responded, they locked eyes with each other, seeing each others enjoyment. The two boys kissed sweetly, as if their own tongues controlled the sensations they felt while Angus continued to savor their juicy asses.
Bishop Angus stood up and wiped the saliva from his mouth, kneeling up on the couch to meet the two naked boys. Pushing the back of the daybed down, the three found themselves splayed about the wide surface, sensually kissing and touching each other.
Their bodies became entwined as they writhed on and around each other, kissing and touching and sucking and licking. Bishop Angus soon found himself being fully worshipped and serviced by his two young companions, prompting his desire to fuck them hard.
Bending them over once more, the bishop looked carefully at the displayed asses of his two young boys. His fingers probed them and tested them as he tried to decide who he would fuck first. Ultimately, the snow white ass of Elder Foster called to his animal nature the strongest.
He pressed his hard cock up against him, forcing his body to yield under his powerful weight, flattening down on the white daybed. Angus proceeded to grind into him with his crotch, all the while hardening at the thought of seeing his thick dick push into his round cheeks.
Turning him over, he held his legs up as Miller moved in to continue kissing his companion. With a little lube, Angus mounted him gently, carefully prying his dick into the boys tight hole.
Foster winced as Angus cock made its way inside him, feeling harder and fuller than he remembered. Angus felt the searing hot warmth of his hole wrapped around the head of his cock, submitting to his desire to fuck him.
Fosters ass was so tight, Angus doubted whether or not he was ready for the full force of the pounding that the bishop was seeking to give him. He smiled as he dug his way deep, testing the limits of what Foster could handle, all the while remembering the other asshole who would soon be pounded as well...
Elder Miller


Elder Foster


Bishop Angus
File Name : Elder Foster and Elder Miller- Calling and Election.mp4
File Size : 1885.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:21:46

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